(Book pertaining to paradise, its description, its bounties and its intimates)

  1. ...
  2. There is in paradise a tree under the shadow of which a rider can travel for a hundred years and even then he would not be able to cover it
  3. The inmates of paradise would see the inmates of the upper apartment as are seen the planets in the sky
  4. He who would love to have a glimpse of the sacred face of the Holy Prophet (may peace be upon him) even at the cost of his whole property and his family
  5. There is a street in Paradise where the inmates of Paradise would get favour and grace
  6. The first group that would be admitted to Paradise would be like the face of the full moon and the description of their qualities and their spouses
  7. The description of Paradise and the remembrance of Allah by the inmates morning and evening
  8. The everlasting bliss for the inmates of Paradise
  9. The description of the tents for the inmates of Paradise
  10. What rivers of the world would be found in Paradise
  11. There would enter Paradise some people whose hearts would be like those of birds
  12. The description of hell and the intensity of its heat and torments
  13. The haughty and the proud would Set into the fire of hell and the humble and meek would get into Paradise
  14. Pertaining to the destruction of the world and assembling on the day of Resurrection
  15. The description of the Day of Resurrection (May Allah save us from its terrors)
  16. The qualities by which the inmates of Paradise and the denizens of hell can be recognized in this world
  17. The dead would be shown his seat in Paradise and hell, and the affirmation of the torment of the grave and seeking refuge from it
  18. The reckoning on the Day of judgment is a fact
  19. It is essential to hope good from Allah