

Happy 35th Anniversary

Happy 35th Anniversary

Tarikh : 23 May 2018

Dilaporkan Oleh : Ariffin Kusetiawan Mukandar

Kategori : IIUM Community


Happy 35th anniversary IIUM, the Garden of knowledge and virtue. Today is 23rd May, the day IIUM was officially established.

May the institution, staff and students progress to greater heights in producing graduates, developing ideas and innovate for the benefit of the nation and the ummah.

IIUM .... Rahmatan lil Alamin....bring mercy to all mankind. We believe IIUM has played an important role in assisting with the development of the Muslims from varoious part of the Muslim world especially those from countries that are facing conflicts.

We believe IIUM has been working hard to realise the vision and mission and the purpose of its establishment.