

Invitation to Special Islamic Clinico-Pathological Conference 2023: Exploring Bioscience & Islam

Invitation to Special Islamic Clinico-Pathological Conference 2023: Exploring Bioscience & Islam

التاريخ : 12 July 2023


الفئة : IIUM Community


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Dear all CFSIIUM community,

We would like to inform you that a seminar entitled, Special Islamic Clinico-Pathological Conference 2023: Exploring Bioscience & Islam will be conducted by CENTRIS in collaboration with CFSIIUM from 17th July 2023 to 20th July 2023. This program will be held at CFSIIUM Gambang and will involve 198 students from various disciplines, especially those in the sciences stream.

We are delighted to invite the CFSIIUM community to attend the program as observers.

There is no registration process required for staff members who wish to participate in the program as observers, and CTD points will be given to the staff involved.

Attention: Due to the nature of the seminar as a research project, observers are prohibited from asking questions and interfering during the sessions. Food and refreshment for the observers is not provided.

Please find attached the promotional video and the program itinerary.

We look forward to seeing you all there!

Announced by:
Secretariat, ICPC'2023