

Innovation Competition in Conjunction with UTP 20 Years Anniversary (The new deadline: 17/3/17)

Innovation Competition in Conjunction with UTP 20 Years Anniversary (The new deadline: 17/3/17)

التاريخ : 14 March 2017

المحرر : WebMaster

الفئة : News




Dear all Academic Staffs,


Please be informed that UTP is going to organize an Innovation Competition in conjunction with UTP 20 Years Anniversary Celebration. You’re cordially invited to participate in this exciting event. Based on the theme “Translational Research towards Global Prominence” this competition highlights research products, invention or innovations that can have its impact the society, industry, academia as well as the government. This impact is needed to ensure a sustainable development for our future as stated in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.


Should there be any queries pertaining to the competition, you may contact the representative from UTP directly at the contact number below:


Sharizul Azlan b Mohd Azizi


Technology Transfer Office

Research & Innovation

GF/Block A, Research & Development Building

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

32160 Bandar Seri Iskandar

Perak Darul Ridzuan


+6 05-368 8164 (Direct)        |  +6011-52791217 (HP)        

*:  sharizulazlan.azizi@utp.edu.my


For interested candidates, kindly submit the competition slide and form to Sr. Najah : sharifahnajah@iium.edu.my or Sr. Hidayah : dyhsofian@iium.edu.my at Innovation and Commercialization Unit, Research Management Centre.


The deadline has been extended to 17 March 2017.


Thanks & Regards,


Innovation and Commercialization Unit

Research Management Centre 


** Application Form : click here

** Presentation Slide : click here

** If shortlisted for the final stage, any costs incurred for the said competition ie. accommodation & food expenses will be borne by participants.