

There is no success without sacrifice

There is no success without sacrifice

التاريخ : 26 August 2019

المحرر : Mohd Shahrul Nizam Shaari

الفئة : News


There is no success without sacrifice

21 August 2019, Gombak. 

Datuk Dr. Mohd Daud Bakar calls for academics in AIKOL to be ready to work hard and to make sacrifices in order to achieve success.  Success according to the President of IIUM, is not only about climbing the ladder of academic positions.  Success is about making our life meaningful and impactful.

 Academics must lead the way for the society to progress and for peace to enfold humanity.  Among the ways to make such an impact is to read, to ponder and to write.  He conveys these messages in a special address during AIKOL Ibadah Camp.