(The Book of Zakat )

  1. No Zakat is due from a Muslim or his slave or his horse
  2. Sending off for the payment of Zakat and of refusing to pay it
  3. Zakat (Sadaqa) Fitr is binding on every Muslim
  4. Taking out of Sadaqat-ul-Fitr before observing Fitr prayer
  5. Sin of one who does not pay Zakat
  6. Pleasing of the collector
  7. The gravity of puniahment for one who does not pay Zakat
  8. Exhortation to give Sadaqa
  9. Hoarders of wealth and punishment to them
  10. Exhortation to spend and tidings to him who spends(on good deeds)
  11. Excellence of spending on one's family, and servant, and sin of one who neglects or withholds their subsistence
  12. Beginning of spending for one's own self, then for one's family and then for relatives
  13. Excellence of spending and giving Sadaqa to relatives,to wife, to children, and parents even if they are polytheists
  14. Getting of reward to Sadaqa for the dead given on his or her behalf
  15. Sadaqa includes all types of good acts
  16. Concerning one who spends and who withholds
  17. Acceptance of Sadaqa by honest work and its growth
  18. Exhortation to Sadaqa even though it is half a date, or a good word. for they are protection against fire
  19. The Labourer should give charity out of his wages and it is severely forbidden to belittle one who contributes less
  20. Excellence of giving a gift
  21. The likeness of one who spends (in the path of Allah) and one who withholds
  22. Proof of reward for the giver of charity even if it goes into the hands of and undeserving person
  23. The reward for an honest trustee and for the woman as she gives charity from the household of her husband. either with his explicit sanction or as it is Customary
  24. Concerning the collection of Sadaqa and doing of good deeds
  25. Exhortation to spend (for the sake of Allah) and disapproval of calculating (the articles of charity)
  26. Exhortation to give charity even though it is small; (the one who gives) small amount should neither be discouraged not looked down upon
  27. Excellence of giving Sadaqa secretly
  28. The most excellent Sadaqa is that which is given when one is healthy and clowflated
  29. Concerning the statement that the upper hand is better than the lower hand, and the upper hand is that which gives and the lower one is that which receives
  30. It is forbidden to beg
  31. Miskin (poor man) is one who does not find enough to satisfy him and the people do not consider him(needy) as to give him charity
  32. Disapproval of begging from people
  33. One for whom begging is permissible
  34. Permissibility to accept what is given without begging, or without being avaricious
  35. Disapproval of the longing for the (possessions of the material) world
  36. If there were two valleys (of gold for the son, of Adam, he would long for the third one
  37. one is not rich because of the abundance of goods
  38. Fear of what would come out of the adornment of the world
  39. Excellence of abstaining from begging and that of endurance
  40. Giving charity to one who begged importunately or with uncivility
  41. Bestowal upou one who is firm in faith
  42. Bestowal upon those who are made to incline (to truth)
  43. The Khwarij and their characteristics
  44. Exhortation to kill the Khwarij
  45. It is forbidden to pay Zakat to the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) and Banu Hashim and Banu Muttalib
  46. The posterity of the Holy Prophet (may peace be upon him) is not allowed to make use of Sadaqa
  47. Accepting of gift by the Holy Prophet (may peace be upon him) and refusing the Sadaqa
  48. Blessing for him who presents Sadaqa
  49. To please the collector of Zakat, unless he makes an unjust demand