Article |
2022 |
Reevaluating the risk minimization utility of Islamic stocks and bonds (Sukuk) in international financial markets. The European Journal of Finance
2021 |
Are Islamic stock markets immune from contagion during the financial crisis?. Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development
2021 |
Implied volatility of structured warrants: Emerging market evidence. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance
, 80
2021 |
Cross hedging with stock index futures. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance
, 82
2021 |
Financial contagion in the futures markets amidst global geo-economic events. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance
, 81
2020 |
Information content and informativeness of the analyst report in Malaysia: Evidence from Sharīʿah-compliant shares. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research
, 11
2020 |
Predictive power of implied volatility of structured call
warrants: evidence from Singapore. International Journal of Finance & Economics
, 17 December 2020
2020 |
A survey on the magnet effect of circuit breakers in financial markets. International Review of Economics and Finance
, 69
2020 |
Operational efficiency of shipping companies: Evidence from Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. International Journal of Emerging Markets
, 15
2020 |
Information content and informativeness of the analyst
report in Malaysia: Evidence from Sharīʿah-compliant shares. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research
, 11
2020 |
Fiscal decentralization and convergence in government spending in Malaysia. International Journal of Finance and Economics
2020 |
Intertemporal price discovery between stock index futures and spot markets: New evidence from high-frequency data. International Journal of Finance and Economics
2020 |
On IMF debt and capital control: evidence from Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines and South Korea. Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance
2020 |
Ex-post effects of circuit breakers in crisis and calm markets: long horizon evidence from wide-band Malaysian price limits. Journal of Economic Studies
, 47
2019 |
Prioritising disclosures of information in analyst reports using the analytic hierarchy process: evidence from Malaysia. International Journal of Business and Systems Research
, 13
2019 |
Information content and informativeness of analysts’ report: evidence from Malaysia. Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting
, 16
2019 |
Aberrant investor participation amid substantial price swings: high-frequency evidence of magnet-repellent effect from Malaysia. Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies
, 12
2019 |
Back to the future: returning to silver-backed money in Sri Lanka. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research
, 10
2019 |
Foreign exchange exposure of Indonesian listed firms. Foreign Exchange Exposure of Indonesian Listed Firms
, 20
2019 |
Potential application of Istisna’ financing in Malaysia. Qualitative Research in Financial Markets
, 11
2019 |
Circuit breakers as market stability levers: a survey of research, praxis, and challenges. International Journal of Finance and Economics
, 24
2019 |
The sustainable development consequences of IMF debt vs. capital control: comparing progress in GPI and GDP terms for Korea and Malaysia. Journal of Cleaner Production
, 234
2019 |
Lead-lag relationship between Bitcoin and Ethereum: evidence from hourly and daily data. Research in International Business and Finance
, 50
2019 |
Financial interdependence or contagion? evidence from a meta-analysis. Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development
, 40
2019 |
On contango, backwardation, and seasonality in index futures. The Journal of Private Equity
, 22
2019 |
Randomness for asset prices constrained by price limit regimes: a Malaysian case study. Journal of Private Equity
, 22
2018 |
Designing fitrah money: a maqasidic discourse. Journal of Islamic Monetary and Finance (JIMF)
, 3
2018 |
An investigation of magnet effect via overnight
returns: the Malaysian case. Journal of Capital Markets Studies
, 2
2018 |
Trading aggression when price limit hits are imminent: NARDL based intraday investigation of magnet effect. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance
, 20
2018 |
Circuit breakers as market stability levers: a survey of research, praxis, and challenges. International Journal of Finance & Economics
2018 |
How useful are the equity analysts’ report? evidence from Malaysia. Reports on Economics and Finance
, 4
2018 |
From metal to paper: validating paper money from Islamic perspective. International Journal of Ethics and Systems
, 34
2018 |
Efficiency and productivity performance of zakat funds in Algeria. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management
, 11
2018 |
GDP vs genuine progress quantification of economic performance in South Korea and Malaysia. Economics and Business Letters
, 7
2018 |
An investigation of magnet effect via overnight returns: the Malaysian case. Journal of Capital Markets Studies
, 2
2018 |
Revisiting fiat regime’s attainability of shari’ah objectives and possible futuristic alternatives. Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs
, 38
2018 |
Blockholders and firm performance: a Malaysian evidence. The Journal of Social Sciences Research
, Special Issue 5
2018 |
Information content of analysts' report: a literature survey. Etikonomi
, 17
2018 |
Implied volatility in the individual stocks call options market: evidence from Malaysia. Afro-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting
, 8
2018 |
Efficiency, stability and asset quality of Islamic vis-à-vis conventional banks: evidence from Indonesia. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research
, 9
2018 |
Speculative behavior in vacant land development: evidence for real options in Malaysia. The Developing Economies
, 56
2017 |
Does Musharakah Mutanaqisah converge with Bai Bithamin Ajil and conventional loans?. International Journal of Law and Management
, 59
2017 |
Seeking negative alphas through shorting. Global Business Review
, 18
2017 |
Does an Islamic finance industry need a unification of standards? A qualitative discussion. Arab Law Quarterly
, 31
2017 |
A qualitative inquiry into the issues of information content of analysis’s report: Evidence from Malaysia. Labuan Bulletin of International Business & Finance
, 15
2017 |
Tax arrears amongst individual income taxpayers in Malaysia. Journal of Financial Crime
, 24
2017 |
The effects of corporate governance attributes and code amendments on the performance of Malaysian trading and services firms. International Journal of Economics and Business Research
, 13
2017 |
A qualitative inquiry into the issues of information content of analysts' report: Evidence from Malaysia. Labuan Bulletin of International Business and Finance
, 15
2017 |
Gold vis-à-vis money in Islam: the case against Dinarist movement. International Journal of Law and Management
, 59
2017 |
Data envelopment analysis of efficiency of real estate investment trusts in Singapore. International Journal of Law and Management
, 59
2017 |
On the Malaysian ringgit exchange rate determination and recent depreciation. International Journal of Economics, Management and Accounting
, 25
2016 |
Cash economy: tax evasion among SMEs in Malaysia. Journal of Financial Crime
, 23
2016 |
Selling short as Ijarāh with Istiḥsān and its ethical implication. Arab Law Quarterly
, 30
2016 |
Asset pricing in developed and emerging markets:a survey. Sains Humanika
, 8
2016 |
Short selling and the development of anti-shorting laws in the UK. Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance
, 24
2016 |
Gibrat’s law and liquidity constraints: evidence from Malaysia industrial sector companies. International Journal of Economics, Management and Accounting
, 24
2016 |
Short selling and exchange-traded funds returns:
evidence from the London Stock Exchange. Applied Economics
, 48
2016 |
Implied volatility forecasting in the options market: a survey. Sains Humanika
, 8
2015 |
Order imbalance and selling aggression under a shorting ban: Evidence from the UK. International Review of Financial Analysis
, 42
2015 |
Short-selling ban and cross-sectoral contagion: evidence from the UK. Journal of Asset Management
, 16
2013 |
Foreign exchange exposure and impact of policy switch - the case of Malaysian listed firms . Applied Economics
, 45
2013 |
Creating a two-way market via short selling and its potential use in the Islamic paradigm
. International Journal of Economics, Management and Accounting
, 21
2013 |
Short selling and stock returns: evidence from the UK. The British Accounting Review
, 45
2009 |
Granting employee stock options (ESOs), market reaction and financial performance. Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting and Finance
, 5
2003 |
Daily returns seasonality and impact of stock index futures: evidence from the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange. KLSE Capital Markets Review
, 11
(1 & 2)
Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 |
Price discovery between index futures and spot markets.
In: The 21st Malaysian Finance Association Conference 2019 (MFAC 2019)
2018 |
An empirical test of implied volatility in Singaporean structured warrants.
In: The 20th Malaysian Finance Association Conference (MFAC) 2018
2018 |
Is there a J-curve between Malaysia and her trading partners? evidence from ARDL test and industry level data.
In: 6th Malaysia Statistics Conference
2018 |
Industry 4.0.
In: 7th Annual Southeast Asian International Seminar 2018
2017 |
Designing Fitrah Money: A Maqasidic Discourse (JIMF Bank Indonesia Conference Nov 2017).
In: 3rd International Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance Conference IIMEFC / JIMF
2017 |
Magnet effect of price limits: evidence from Bursa Malaysia.
In: 44th International Business Research Conference 2017
2017 |
Cash economy: Tax evasion amongst SMEs in Malaysia.
In: 8th International Conference on Financial Criminology (ICFC) 2017
2016 |
Designing fitrah money:appraisal of gold-silver as practical alternatives.
In: ISERD-RW International Conference
2016 |
Predicting Financial Distress based on Corporate Actions.
In: 3rd International Conference on Global Business & Social Entrepreneurship
2015 |
The Fiat Fiasco: the insidious erosion of Maqasid of Shari’ah and practical alternatives.
In: The 9th ISDEV International Development Management Conference (IDMAC2015)
2015 |
Creating a two-way market via short selling and its potential use in the Islamic paradigm.
In: International Conference on Islamic Perspective of Accounting, Finance, Economics and Management (IPAFEM 2015)
2014 |
Implied volatility and contagion in the options market
In: International Business Economics Social Sciences Research Association (IBESRA) Istanbul Conference, Turkey
2014 |
Short-selling ban and cross-sectoral contagion: evidence from the UK.
In: BAFA 2014 Annual Conference
2013 |
Is shorting of Exchange Traded Funds a dangerous financial sport? recent UK evidence.
In: BAFA 2013 Annual Conference
2012 |
Short-selling ban and cross-sectoral contagion: evidence from the UK.
In: Sixty-First Annual Meeting of the Midwest Finance Association
2011 |
Increase in Short Interest and Predictability in Stock Returns
(Infiniti 2011).
In: INFINITI Conference on International Finance
2011 |
Short interest and stock returns: evidence from the UK (Gregynog 2011)..
In: Gregynog Accounting and Finance Colloquium 2011
2011 |
Short selling and stock returns: evidence from the UK.
In: Annual Submit on Business and Entrepreneurial Studues - ASBES 2011
2011 |
Informational content of short interest (EBES 2011).
In: Euroasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
2010 |
PhD proposal (Gregynog 2010): short selling and stock returns.
In: Accounting & Finance Research Colloquium (Gregynog 2010)
2010 |
PhD proposal (BAA Doctoral Colloquium Cardiff 2010): short selling and stock returns .
In: BAA 2010 Doctoral Colloquium
2003 |
Daily returns seasonality and impact of stock index futures: evidence from the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange.
In: Malaysia Finance Association's (MFA's) 5th Annual Symposium