About us

The Office of Knowledge for Change and Advancement (formerly known as the Office of Institutional and Academic Quality Management – OQM) is under the purview of the Office of the Rector. It is headed by a Director who is assisted by five Deputy Directors (Accreditation,  Administration, Advancement, Innovation, and Governance).




Documents include the IIUM’s compliance with academic standards, best practices, curriculum exercise, and resources. Accreditation is vital for maintaining educational excellence and credibility

QMS emphasizes continuous improvement include quality planning, quality control, quality assurance, and quality improvement. Standards such as ISO 9001 often guide the development and implementation of a QMS, helping IIUM to achieve higher performance in education.

Knowledge for Change in academic accreditation involves using insights and information to improve the quality and effectiveness of educational institutions and their programs. This approach focuses on continuously gathering and applying knowledge to enhance accreditation processes, ensuring they stay relevant and rigorous.

Get in Touch

Find us at the office

Level 3, Muhammad Abdul-Rauf Building
International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)
Jalan Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur

Give us a ring

+603 6421 6781 / 6783 / 6787 Mon – Fri, 8:00-17:00