Staff Directory

Salina Bt. Kassim

Academic Qualification

  • PhD in Economics (Monetary Economics) - Doctor of Philosophy, International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Master in Economics - Masters Degree, University of Missouri
  • Bachelor in Economics - Bachelor Degree, University of Arizona, Tucson

Salina Bt. Kassim (Prof. Dr.)

IIUM Gombak Campus


Expert Profile

Dr Salina is currently a Professor at the IIUM Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance, International Islamic University Malaysia. 

Having a great passion in writing scholarly articles in various areas of Islamic banking and finance, her strength lies mainly in producing quality research work especially in the area of Islamic social finance. She has published extensively in indexed peer-reviewed academic journals with nearly 150 articles with her works being the main reference to both the academia and industry. With a Scopus H-index of 12, she is among the top and most prolific writers in the area of Islamic finance. Reflecting her outstanding performance, she won several “Best Paper Awards” in various academic conferences. In 2020 and 2013, papers that she co-authored won the “Outstanding Paper Award” by the Emerald Literati Network, and in 2010, she won second place in the 3rd Kuala Lumpur Islamic Finance Forum (KLIFF) Essay Competition on Islamic Finance. She has also published several books mainly in the areas of Islamic finance, with reputable publishers, namely IIUM Press, UPM Press and USIM Press. In particular, her book on “Islamic Financial System: Theory and Practice” has been one of the main sources of reference in many universities offering the Islamic banking and finance programs. In addition, three books are currently in the midst of publication. Her primary research focus, includes various areas of Islamic banking and finance, especially Islamic social finance and monetary/financial economics, where she has produced substantial research outputs in the areas of Islamic micro-finance, waqf and women entrepreneurship as well as economic empowerment. 

She has been awarded several grants, funds and sponsorships from reputable international and local organisations, including from Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia, Ministry of Finance, Malaysia, Permodalan Nasional Berhad, and Islamic Development Bank. In recognition to her dynamic role as a subject matter expert, Dr Salina has been appointed as member of the editorial boards of several reputable international and local journals. She has been a regular reviewer for many academic local and international academic journals, focusing on the areas of Islamic banking and finance. At present, she is supervising (and has supervised) 49 PhD candidates and 26 Masters candidates. She has also served as internal and external examiners for Masters and PhD theses in several universities in Malaysia and Indonesia. She was appointed as Adjunct Professor at the Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya in Indonesia from January 2019 to December 2019. 

Dr. Salina has been sought after for her expertise in various aspects of Islamic banking and finance as an invited speaker in local and international seminars and conferences. Her recent public speaking engagements which were primarily focusing on the areas of research in Islamic social finance held at several universities in Indonesia and Malaysia. She has presented her research works at international academic conferences in many parts of the world including United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey. Dr. Salina also serves as a trainer for “Islamic Financial System” – a module that she designed, under a training programme offered by the Association of Shariah Advisors in Islamic Finance (ASAS), which is based in Malaysia. Dr Salina has been appointed by the Ministry of Education Malaysia as a panel evaluator for Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) since 2014, an annual national level grant scheme being offered to all public and private universities in the country. She is also involved in drafting the waqf blueprint which is expected to be launched soon by the Religious Council of the Federal Territory of Malaysia. She has consistently been invited as a subject matter expert to series of workshops in assisting the preparation for the respective blueprint. In addition, she has been assisting the development of modest fashion industry through a strategic collaboration between the Chamber of Islamic Trade and Investment Malaysia, Markamarie Global and IIiBF, whereby the “Fund the Founders” initiative was launched to connect new start-ups in the modest fashion industry with potential funders to provide sufficient aid that could assist them to continuously expand their businesses. A frequent award winner in the annual IIUM Quality Day, Dr Salina also received recognitions as Top 100 Most Influential Women in Islamic Business and Finance 2019, awarded by Cambridge IFA in Dubai in 2019, and also Distinguished Woman in Management, awarded by Venus International Foundation in 2020. 

Prior to her vast working experience as an academician, Dr Salina has served as a Senior Executive at Economics and Corporate Planning Division at a local commercial bank for several years. These industry-related exposure had equipped her with the practical aspects and issues of commercial banking, and the understanding of the general banking and financial system. Dr Salina received a PhD in Monetary Economics in 2006 from the IIUM and Master and Bachelor degrees from the USA in 1992 and 1994, respectively.

Area of Specialisation

  • Economics, Business And Management ~ Economics, Business And Management ~ Economics/Applied Economics ~ Financial and Monetary Economics - Islamic banking and finance

Teaching Responsibilities

BUSINESS ECONOMICS 2019/2020 2018/2019 2017/2018 2016/2017 2015/2016 2012/2013 2011/2012 2010/2011
CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN ISLAMIC FINANCE 2018/2019 2016/2017 2014/2015
ECONOMICS FOR MANAGERS 2015/2016 2014/2015 2013/2014 2012/2013
FINANCIAL ECONOMICS 2013/2014 2011/2012 2010/2011
ISLAMIC BANKING AND FINANCE 2013/2014 2012/2013 2011/2012 2010/2011 2009/2010 2008/2009
ISLAMIC ECONOMICS 2023/2024 2022/2023 2021/2022 2019/2020
ISLAMIC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 2021/2022 2019/2020 2017/2018 2016/2017 2014/2015 2013/2014 2011/2012
ISSUES IN ISLAMIC FINANCIAL INCLUSION 2023/2024 2022/2023 2021/2022 2020/2021 2019/2020
MONEY AND BANKING 2017/2018 2016/2017 2015/2016 2014/2015 2013/2014 2012/2013 2011/2012 2010/2011 2009/2010 2008/2009 2007/2008 2006/2007
MONEY, BANKING AND CAPITAL MARKETS 2014/2015 2013/2014 2006/2007
PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS 2017/2018 2016/2017 2015/2016


Developing A Sustainable Microtakafulmodel For The B40 Community In Malaysia.
Ph.D Completed 2024 Main Supervisor
Determinants Of Zakat Payers To Trust Zakat Institutions With The Mediating Effect Of Blockchain Technology: A Case Study Of Baznas North Sumatera.
Ph.D Completed 2024 Main Supervisor
Assessing Factors Influencing E-Payment Adoption Among Microfinance Institutions And Clients In Malaysia .
Ph.D Completed 2024 Main Supervisor
Islamic Finance- Growth Nexus: Empirical Evidence From Malaysia.
Ph.D Completed 2024 Co-supervisor
Legal Risks And Legal Risk Management In Wakalah Sukuk In Malaysia.
Ph.D Completed 2024 Co-supervisor
Determinants Of Household Indebtedness And The Role Of Al-Gharimin Institution In Malaysia.
Ph.D Completed 2023 Main Supervisor
Customer Preferences For Islamic Retail Financial Products: Identification Of Factors And Issues.
Ph.D Completed 2023 Main Supervisor
Mosque Based Sustainable Ijarah Financing Model For Micro Enterprises Using Cash Waqf: Context Application In Selangor.
Ph.D Completed 2023 Co-supervisor
Effect Of Governance Structure On The Outreach And Sustainability Of Microfinance Institutions In Bangladesh.
Ph.D Completed 2022 Member Supervisory Committee
Monetary Policy Transmission In Economic System Through Credit Channel Of Islamic And Conventional Banks In Pakistan .
Ph.D Completed 2022 Main Supervisor
Analysis Of Micro-Entrepreneurs' Performance In Islamic Microfinance Institution In Malaysia: Moderating Effect Of Geographical Location .
Ph.D Completed 2022 Main Supervisor
Developing A Waqf-Fintech Integrated Model For Funding Paddy Farming Sector In Malaysia.
Ph.D Completed 2022 Main Supervisor
Roles Of Islamic Banks In Improving Financial Inclusion Of Smes In Indonesia.
Ph.D Completed 2022 Main Supervisor
Waqf Forest: Concept, Model, Development, And Community Perception In Indonesia.
Ph.D Completed 2022 Main Supervisor
The Role Of Islamic Microfinance In Poverty Alleviation In Nouakchott- Mauritania.
Ph.D Completed 2022 Main Supervisor
Viability Of Islamic Project Financing For The Belt And Road Initiative.
Ph.D Completed 2022 Co-supervisor
Promoting Financial Inclusion Through The Intention To Adopt Islamic Microfinance In Nigeria : A Study Of Selected States.
Ph.D Completed 2022 Co-supervisor
Green Firms' Achievement Of Sustainable Development And Maqasid Shariah: Evidence From Bangladesh .
Ph.D Completed 2021 Main Supervisor
Roles Of Islamic Microfinance Institutions In Improving Financial Inclusion In Indonesia: Empirical Evidence From Baitul Maal Wa Tamwil.
Ph.D Completed 2021 Main Supervisor
Issues And Challenges Of Islamic Microfinance In Post-Conflict Somalia.
Ph.D Completed 2021 Main Supervisor
Determinants Of Financial Inclusion And Adoption Of Islamic Banking: Evidence From Mauritania .
Ph.D Completed 2021 Main Supervisor
Islamic Crowdfunding As A Financing Alternative For Malaysian Youth Entrepreneurs And The Perceived Acceptance.
Ph.D Completed 2021 Main Supervisor
Factors Influencing Risk-Taking Behaviour In Malaysian Islamic And Conventional Banks.
Ph.D Completed 2021 Co-supervisor
An Investigation Of Knowledge Management And Intellectual Capital On Organizational Performance In Non-Profit Organizations: The Context Of Algerian Waqf Institutions.
Ph.D Completed 2020 Main Supervisor
Optimal Islamic Financial Contracting In Imperfect Markets.
Ph.D Completed 2020 Co-supervisor
Monetary Policy Transmission Through Investment Account In Malaysia: Pre And Post Ifsa 2013.
Ph.D Completed 2020 Co-supervisor
Developing A Conceptual Model Of Shari'Ah Oriented Precious Metal Backed Cryptocurrency For Malaysia: Issues And Perceptions.
Ph.D Completed 2019 Co-supervisor
Rental Yield As The Reference Benchmark Pricing For Musyarakah Mutanaqisah Home Financing In Malaysia.
Ph.D Completed 2018 Main Supervisor
The Relationship Between Debt-Taking, Charity-Giving, And Financial Education On Financial Inclusion: The Case Of Low-Income Households In Indonesia.
Ph.D Completed 2018 Main Supervisor
Banks Stability Measures For Selected Oic Countries With Dual Banking System.
Ph.D Completed 2018 Co-supervisor
Credit Rationing At The Bottom Of Economic Pyramid: A Case Of Islamic Microfinance In Indonesia.
Ph.D Completed 2017 Main Supervisor
Usage Of Ar-Rahnu Towards Achieving Financial Self-Sufficiency For Women Micro-Entrepreneurs In Malaysia.
Ph.D Completed 2017 Main Supervisor
Rate Of Return Risk Of Islamic Bank: Empirical Evidence In Malaysia.
Ph.D Completed 2015 Main Supervisor
The Role Of The Islamic Banks In The Transmission Of Monetary Policy : Evidence From Malaysia.
Ph.D Completed 2015 Main Supervisor
Financial Development, Impact On Output And Its Determinants: The Case Of The Economic Community Of West African States.
Ph.D Completed 2015 Main Supervisor
Investigation Of Credit Risk-Performance Relationship In Islamic Banks In Pakistan .
Ph.D Completed 2015 Co-supervisor
Risk Premium Of Coup Sukuk : Trend, Behaviours And Influencing Factors. .
Ph.D Completed 2015 Co-supervisor
Impact Assessment Of Conventional And Islamic Microfinance And Its Implication On Poverty Alleviation In Northern Nigeria.
Ph.D Completed 2013 Co-supervisor
Alignment Of Banking Sector Towards A Sustainable Economy: The Case Of Bangladesh.
Ph.D In Progress Member Supervisory Committee
Impact Of Macroeconomics, Banks Specific Variables, And Fintech On Credit And Credit Risk: Comparing Islamic And Conventional Banks In Indonesia.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
Agency Problems In Micro-Enterprise Financing Of Baitul Maal Wa Tamwil In Indonesia.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
Mobilization Of Islamic Finance For Public-Private Partnership Projects In Indonesia.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
Agricultural Waqf In Indonesia; Concept And Development.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
Role Of Islamic Financial Technology To Enhance Financial Inclusion In Indonesia: Case Islamic Peer-To-Peer Financing Service Platform.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
Waqf Literacy: Determinant Factors, Impacts, And Strategies To Strengthen.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
Mobilising Islamic Financing Instruments For Renewable Energy Financing In East African Countries: Case Of Djibouti Geothermal Project.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
Role Of Islamic Financial Institution In Improving Financial Infection Through Affordable Mortgage In Nigeria.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
Enhancing Financial Inclusion And Economic Empowerment Through Islamic Microfinance Opportunities And Challenges.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
Digital Banking Adoption Among Islamic Banks In Indonesia.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
Investor'S Perspectives On Online Islamic Crowd-Investing In Indonesia'S Agriculture Sector .
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
Islamic Wealth Management Among The Working Population Below 40 In Malaysia: An Impirical Analysis.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
The Role Of Islamic Finance In Socio-Economic Well-Being: The Case Of Fishing Industry In Mauritania.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
Linkage Between Digitalisation, Fintech And Psychometric Testing Towards Access To Finance: The Case Of Malaysia Micro, Small And Medium Enteprises (Msmes).
Ph.D In Progress Co-supervisor
Examing The Adoption Of Central Bank Digital Currency In Malaysia Implementation And Impact.
Ph.D In Progress Co-supervisor
Deepening Financial Inclusion Innigeria Through Islamic Socialfinance:Asocio-Legal Study.
Ph.D In Progress Co-supervisor
Determinants Influencing Customers’ Retention And Usage Of Islamic Banking In South Western Zone Og Aefghanistan..
Master Completed 2022 Main Supervisor
Applying Ajzen'S Theory Of Planned Behaviour On The Perception And Intention To Participate In Microtakaful Scheme Among Indonesian Mop & Bop.
Master Completed 2022 Main Supervisor
Developing Islamic Green Stock Index In Malaysia.
Master Completed 2021 Main Supervisor
Financial Literacy (Knowledge, Attitute And Behavior) And Financial Wellbeing Among Women Adult In Malay Archipelago : A Comparative Study Between Indonesia And Malaysia.
Master Completed 2021 Main Supervisor
Effects Of Fintech On Financial Behaviour Of Millennials In Nigeria.
Master Completed 2021 Main Supervisor
Cash Waqf For Social Enterprises Business To Ameliorate Thedecent Work And Economic Growth In Indonesia.
Master Completed 2021 Main Supervisor
Application Of Performance Measurement System In Waqf Institutions : An Experience Of Sinergi Foundation In Indonesia.
Master Completed 2021 Main Supervisor
Profitability Determinants Of Islamic And Conventional Banks In Indonesia : A Panel Data Regression.
Master Completed 2020 Main Supervisor
Elivating Economic Well Being Of Women By Providing Ar Rahnu : Bank Rakyat Experience.
Master Completed 2020 Main Supervisor
Determining The Effectiveness Of The Waqf Regulatory Framework In The Republic Of Guinea.
Master Completed 2020 Main Supervisor
Role Of Literacy In Enhancing In Participation Of Cash Waqf In Brunei Darussalam.
Master Completed 2020 Main Supervisor
Factors Influencing Willingness To Contribute In Cash Waqf : Case Of South Tangerang, Indonesia.
Master Completed 2019 Main Supervisor
Exploring Issues And Challenges In The Implementation Of Islamic Microfinance: Evidence From Malaysia.
Master Completed 2019 Main Supervisor
Socially Responsible Investment Sukuk As An Alternative Funding For Affordble Housing : Issues And Proposed Structure.
Master Completed 2019 Main Supervisor
Issues And Challenges In Management Of Waqf Organisations In Ningxia Province Of China.
Master Completed 2018 Main Supervisor
Socially Responsible Investment Sukuk For Microfinance: A New Financial Alternative For Sustainible Micro-Projects In Tunisia.
Master Completed 2018 Main Supervisor
Integrating Cash Waqf In Islamic Microfinance : Case Of Baitul Mal Wa Tamwil.
Master Completed 2018 Main Supervisor
Practice Of Sell And Buy Back Agreement In Malaysia: An Analytical Assessment On Regulatory And Shariah Requirements.
Master Completed 2017 Main Supervisor
Analysis Of Customer Satisfaction On Employee Professionalism : A Comparison Between Islamic And Conventional Banks.
Master Completed 2017 Main Supervisor
Customer Satisfaction Of Service Quality : A Comparison Between Ar-Rahnu And Conventional Pawnbroking.
Master Completed 2017 Main Supervisor
An Exploratory Study On Awareness Of Waqf Among Kenyan Muslims .
Master Completed 2017 Main Supervisor
Empowering Women Through Islamic Microfinance: A Case Study Of Islamic Microfinance In Jogjakarta.
Master Completed 2016 Main Supervisor
Exploring Credit Risk Management In Microenterprise Financing: The Case Of Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil I Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Master Completed 2016 Main Supervisor
Factors Influencing Acceptance Of Ar-Rahnu : Comparison Between Private And State Ar-Rahnu Providers In Terengganu.
Master Completed 2016 Main Supervisor
Efficiency Of Islamic And Conventional Banks In Bangladesh: An Empirical Study Using Dea Approach .
Master Completed 2015 Main Supervisor
Finance-Growth Nexus: A Quantile Analysis Of Selected Muslim Countries.
Master Completed 2015 Main Supervisor
The Efficiency Of The Islamic Banks In Middle East And South East Asia.
Master Completed 2013 Main Supervisor
The Analysis Of Islamic Bond (Sukuk) Innovation In Islamic Banking And Finance : The Case Study Of Cagamas Berhad'S Sukuk Al Amanah Al-Istitmar (Alim).
Master Completed 2013 Main Supervisor
No Title.
Master Completed 2012 Main Supervisor
Study On Perceptions Of Potential Customers And Environmental Ngos On Environmental Reporting In Malaysia.
Master Completed 2012 Main Supervisor
Impact Of Inflation On Mudarbah Profit.
Master Completed 2011 Main Supervisor
Developing Islamic Capital Market In Nigeria.
Master Completed 2009 Main Supervisor
Role Of Zakat As Capacity Building For National Economic Development.
Master In Progress Main Supervisor

Research Projects

2023 - 2024 Microfinance Impact Study Measurement Performance and Effectiveness: A Case of Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia Berhad
2022 - 2024 Knowledge Transfer Project on Good Agricultural Practices of Pesticide-Free Chili Fertigation and Stingless Bee Integrated Farming for the B40 Members of `Persatuan Anak Kuantan Utara (PAKUTA)?
2021 - 2023 Exploring the Potential of Islamic Microfinance to Improve Financial Condition for Low-Income Households in Perlis
2020 - 2021 Establishment of Desa Kelulut as a Sustainable Stingless Bee Farming Project for Economic Empowerment among B40 Community at Kampung Bukit Kuin, Kuantan, Pahang in Post-COVID-19 Time
2019 - 2023 Maqasid al-Shari'ah Framework for Activating Temporary Waqf as Contemporary Social Micro-financing Mechanisms in Malaysia.
2018 - 2023 Information Dissemination Model for Muslim Scholars on Cryptocurrencies
2018 - 2022 Formulating an Islamic Health Protection Retirement Plan (i-HPRP) for Government Servants in Malaysia
2017 - 2018 Towards Providing the Innovative Takaful Products in Malaysia: The Perspective of Consumers, Takaful Operators and Shari'ah Advisors
2016 - 2018 Pricing Benchmark for Islamic Home Financing
2016 - 2018 Developing A New Approach for International Ship Financing by Malaysian Islamic Financial Institutions
2016 - 2019 Creating a Single Regulatory Body Governing Consumer Credit Industry in Malaysia
2015 - 2017 Modelling a New Islamic Private Equity Shipping Fund to Promote International Shipping in Malaysia
2015 - 2018 Formulating a Sustainable Model of Islamic Microfinance to Enhance Financial Inclusiveness towards an Equitable Society: an Appreciative Inquiry and Intelligence Approach
2015 - 2018 Developing a Sustainable Model of a Waqf-Based Takaful for Flood Victims in Malaysia
2015 - 2018 Identifying the Macroeconomic Factors influencing the Pricing Methods of Sovereign Sukuk
2015 - 2017 Where is Diversification for Malaysian Muslim Investors? Evidence from DCC-GARCH Approach
2014 - 2019 The Role of Chinese Muslim in the Malaysian Nation Building
2013 - 2016 Involvement of Corporate Entities in Waqaf Management: Experiences of Selected Waqaf Institutions
2013 - 2017 Islamic Finance and the Malaysian Economy: Developing a Model for Its Effective Growth and Meaningful Contribution to the Real Economy
2013 - 2016 Formulating New Model to Mitigate Access to Financing Problem Among SMEs in Malaysia
2012 - 2016 A Study on the Need for A Comprehensive Law on Landlord and Tenant (Retail Tenancy) in Peninsular Malaysia
2012 - 2016 A Conceptual Analysis on the Application of REITs in Developing Waqaf Land in Malaysia
2012 - 2016 A Critical Analysis of the Current Islamic Banking Structure in Malaysia: Issue & Policy Implications
2012 - 2015 Housing Development and Consumer Protection: A Study on the Problems of Late Delivery of Vacant Possession
2011 - 2013 Enhancing the Efficiency of Waqaf Institutions in Malaysia: An Exploratory Study
2011 - 2013 Exploring and Predicting Customer Switching Behaviour for Islamic Bank Services in Malaysia Using Neural Network Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling
2011 - 2014 Monetary Policy Transmission through Islamic Banking Financing in Malaysia" A Sectoral Analysis
2010 - 2012 Performance of Islamic Unit Trust During Global Financial Crisis: The Case of Malaysia
2010 - 2013 Exploring The Need to Shift From Debt-Based to Equity-Based Financing in Islamic Banks: The Case of Malaysia and Bahrain
2009 - 2011 Economic Impact of Climate Change in Agriculture in Malaysia
2009 - 2011 Resilliance of the Islamic and Conventional Stock Markets during the 2007 Global Financial Crisis
2009 - 2012 Identification and Implication of the Islamic Banks Exposure to Market Risks:Evidence from Malaysia
2008 - 2010 Output-Price Dynamic and Its Implications on Macroeconomics Policy: The Case of Malaysia
2007 - 2007 The Effects of monetary Policy on Bank Loans: A Comparison between Domestic and Foreign Banks in Malaysia
2007 - 2008 Original Title: Monetary Policy and Consumer Credit in Malaysia: A Structural VAR Approach New Title: Consumer Credit and Monetary Policy in Malaysia
2007 - 2008 An Analysis of The Effect of Monetary Policy on Conventional Banks Loans and Islamic Banks
- 2010 Malaysian Science and Technology Indicators 2010
2024 - Present An Impact Study on Zakat Distribution for Economic Empowerment. A Case Study of Maybank Islamic Berhad
2023 - Present Book Publication: Islamic Financial Inclusion: Issues, Challenges and Way Forward
2023 - Present A Bibliometric Analysis of the Research Trends in Micro-Takaful and Woman Entrepreneurship
2023 - Present Economic Empowerment Project for Single Mothers and Housewives from B40 Families through a Sustainable Community-based Stingless bee Project of Desa Kelulut
2023 - Present Microtakaful for the Elderly in the B40: Proposing a Ta'awun-Based Framework Incorporating Islamic Social Finance
2021 - Present Financial Resilience Among Women-owned MSMEs During COVID-19 Economic Crisis and Beyond- The Role of Islamic Social Financing Tools.
2021 - Present Developing a Blockchain-based Comprehensive Performance Measurement Framework for Efficient and Sustainable Waqf Institutions in Malaysia
2019 - Present Shariah Governance an Financial Performance of Islamic Banks in Malaysia (Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Berhad Research Grant)
2018 - Present Affordable Housing Issues in Malaysia: Exploring Potentials of Waqf as an Alternative Solutions
2018 - Present Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI) Sukuk As an Alternative Source of Fund for Affordable Housing in Malaysia
2018 - Present The Influences of Islamic Civilization on Malay Muslim Women and Their Contributions in Malay Archipelago.
2016 - Present Price Behavior in Malaysian Islamic Unit Trust Industry

Award & Recognition

03 Mar, 2008 IIUM Quality Research Award - International Islamic University Malaysia University



2024 Systematic literature review on microtakaful and women entrepreneurship.. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14 (3) pp. 1187-1200
2023 A conceptual framework of the blockchain technology adoption for zakat institution in Indonesia. European Journal of Islamic Finance, 10 (1) pp. 16-23
2023 A reflection of Divine-based Islamic Economics (D-BIE). Journal of Islamic Finance, 12 (1) pp. 109-115
2023 Al-gharimin agency: A new wing of Islamic social finance. Journal of Islamic Social Finance, 1 (1) pp. 24-39
2023 Behavioural intention of zakat participants towards the zakat fund in Morocco. ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance, 15 (1) pp. 36-53
2023 Does religious knowledge level affect brand association and purchase intention of luxury cars? Case of the Lexus cars in Indonesia. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 14 (4) pp. 988-1006
2023 Enhancing the MSME Islamic financial inclusion in Indonesia: an institutional theory perspective. Journal of Accounting and Finance, 23 (2) pp. 6-25
2023 Exploring zakat payers’ attitudes determinants on trust in zakat institutions. Journal of Islamic Social Finance, 1 (2) pp. 36-44
2023 Factors to improve customer loyalty towards Yemeni student recruitment agencies in Malaysia. Journal of Reproducible Research (JRR), 1 (1) pp. 50-60
2023 Financial literacy among university students and its implications towards financial scams. Information Management and Business Review, 15 (3) pp. 124-128
2023 Households’ over-indebtedness: an explanation from a shari‘ah perspective. Jurnal Syariah, 31 (2) pp. 102-136
2023 Indonesian low-income households’ acceptance of microtakaful in East Java. Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance, 9 (4) pp. 637-660
2023 Integrated farming of stingless bee and pesticide-free chilli fertigation: sharing experience from knowledge transfer project (KTP-RIGS) with Persatuan Anak Kuantan Utara and Organic Farm Venture. Revelation and Science, 1 (Special Issue 1) pp. 71-79
2023 Investigation of constituent determinants of financial inclusion: evidence from Mauritania. International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies, 17 (4) pp. 524-538
2023 Is religion important in predicting attitude and intention towards adopting Islamic banking? Evidence from Mauritania. Journal of Muamalat and Islamic Finance Research, 20 (1) pp. 24-34
2023 Islamic capital market-growth nexus pre and post IFSA 2013: empirical evidence from Malaysia. International Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance Research, 11 (1) pp. 20-34
2023 Islamic public–private partnership model for Djibouti geothermal project financing: conceptual framework based on maqasid al-shariah. International Journal of Business and Economy, 5 (2) pp. 54-68
2023 Muslim scholars and experts views on cryptocurrencies: a systematic literature review. Sains Insani, 8 (1) pp. 94-102
2023 Perception and intention to participate in microtakaful scheme among Indonesians: an application of Ajzen’s theory of planned behavior. Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance, 9 (1) pp. 133-166
2023 Protection against over-indebtedness: appraising suitability and affordability assessment in Malaysia and South Africa. Malaysian Journal of Consumer and Family Economics (MAJCAFE), 31 () pp. 61-93
2023 Regulatory issues inhibiting the financial inclusion: a case study among Islamic banks and MSMEs in Indonesia. Qualitative Research in Financial Markets, () pp. 1-22
2023 Takaful-growth nexus before and after the implementation of IFSA 2013: empirical evidence from Malaysia. International Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance Research, 11 (1) pp. 50-60
2023 The determinants of digital banking adoption among banks offering Islamic banking services. Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance, 9 (4) pp. 559-588
2023 The digital banking services: a selection model from Islamic banks. International Journal of Islamic Business, 8 (1) pp. 41-58
2023 The effect of e-service quality on e-loyalty of Islamic banking customers: does e-satisfaction act as mediator?. Jurnal Ekonomi & Keuangan Islam, 9 (2) pp. 228-245
2023 The implication of agency theory in micro-business financing of sharia cooperatives in Indonesia. International Journal of Advanced Research in Economics and Finance, 5 (3) pp. 248-256
2023 The structure-performance Nexus and efficiency in the Malaysian banking sector. Turkish Journal of Islamic Economics, 10 (2) pp. 73-98
2023 Viability of Islamic Health Protection Retirement Plan (I-HPRP) among Malaysian public and private employees. ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance (IJIF), 15 (1) pp. 73-90
2023 Waqf microtakaful: practical implications and viability assessment in the context of takaful industry in Malaysia. Journal of Islamic Finance, 12 (1) pp. 48-58
2022 Contemporary issues in financing micro enterprises in Malaysia: a qualitative inquiry from practitioners perspective = isu kontemporari dalam pembiayaan perusahaan mikro di Malaysia: siasatan kualitatif dari perspektif pengamal. Journal of Management and Muamalah, 12 (1) pp. 55-73
2022 Do the Islamic banks play a role in the monetary policy transmission in Pakistan? a comparative analysis with conventional banks using panel data analysis. The Journal of Muamalat and Islamic Finance Research, 19 (2) pp. 13-27
2022 Financial abuse in domestic violence: how can Islamic financial institutions play their role?. IIUM Law Journal, 30 (S2) pp. 445-470
2022 How do muslim scholars and experts posit cryptocurrencies in social media. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 100 (21) pp. 6272-6295
2022 Influence of career advancement and information sharing on employees' engagement in Yemen banking sector. Journal of Reproducible Research, 1 (1) pp. 22-32
2022 Islamic crowdfunding perceptions among youth entrepreneurs in Malaysia. Jurnal Penyelidikan Berimpak Tinggi MARA, 1 (1) pp. 1-18
2022 Modeling the demand for Islamic microfinance services: an application of PLS-SEM approach. International Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance (IJIEF), 5 (1) pp. 89-106
2022 The governance structure of microfinance institutions: a comparison of models of sustainability and their implication on outreach. Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting, 22 (19) pp. 104-123
2022 The role of artificial intelligence technologies in expediting financial inclusion: the case of selected African countries. Journal of Islamic Finance, 11 (2) pp. 138-148
2022 The role of organizational challenges and technical challenges on the implementation of E-government military institutions. Journal of Reproducible Research (JRR), 1 (1) pp. 8-21
2022 Trust enhancement in Zakat Institutions using Blockchain Technology: a qualitative approach. European Journal of Islamic Finance, 9 (1) pp. 31-36
2022 Waqf management for poverty alleviation in Bangladesh towards achieving sustainable development goals. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 13 (10) pp. 3149-3155
2021 Challenges in micro financing and introduction of Mosque based Ijarah Financing Model for micro enterprises using cash Waqf in Selangor state. Journal of Management & Muamalat, 11 (2) pp. 65-85
2021 Consumer credit grievance and redress mechanisms: the Malaysia perspective. UUM Journal of Legal Studies, 12 (2) pp. 61-88
2021 Determinants of Islamic financial inclusion in Indonesia: a demand-side analysis. Journal of Islamic Finance, 10 (2) pp. 38-52
2021 Factors influencing the acceptance of Islamic crowdfunding in Malaysia: a study of youth entrepreneurs. Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences, 15 (3) pp. 443-475
2021 Green microfinance promoting sustainable development goals (sdgs) in Bangladesh. Journal of Islamic Finance, 10 (1) pp. 011-018
2021 Involvement of women in economy: an explication from the Islamic perspective. REVISTA GEINTEC-GESTAO INOVACAO E TECNOLOGIAS, 11 (2) pp. 970-976
2021 Islamic microfinance in Mauritania: an investigation into involuntary factors affecting usage. International Journal of Ethics and Systems, () pp.
2021 Islamic P2P Crowdfunding (IP2PC) Platform for the Development of Paddy Industry in Malaysia: An Operational Perspective. Journal of Islamic Finance, 10 (1) pp. 65-75
2021 Proposed waqf crowdfunding models for small farmers and the required parameters for their application. Islamic Economic Studies, () pp. 1-16
2020 A real asset management approach for Islamic investment in containerships. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, 11 (1) pp. 27-48
2020 An analysis of customer satisfaction on employee professionalism: a comparison between Islamic and conventional banks in Malaysia. Journal of Islamic Marketing, ahead-of-print () pp. 1-18
2020 Can Islamic microfinance alleviates poverty in Indonesia? an investigation from the perspective of the microfinance institutions. Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance, 6 (1) pp. 77-94
2020 Comparing the intertemporal efficiency of Islamic banks in Indonesia and Malaysia. Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance (JIMF), 6 (4) pp. 861-894
2020 Competition between conventional and Islamic banks in Malaysia revisited. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, 11 (9) pp. 1-19
2020 Correction to: prediction accuracy improvement for Bitcoin market prices based on symmetric volatility information using artificial neural network approach (Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, (2020), 10.1057/s41272-020-00229-3). Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, () pp.
2020 Does capital adequacy ratio influence risk-taking behaviour of conventional and Islamic banks differently? Empirical evidence from dual banking system of Malaysia. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, ahead-of-print () pp. 1-27
2020 Does financial literacy really matter for Malaysians? a review. Advanced International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance (AIJBAF), 2 (2) pp. 13-20
2020 Does venture capital substitute Islamic profit and loss sharing contracts? theoretical analysis on Musharakah and venture capital. International Journal of Economics and Management, 14 (1) pp. 111-127
2020 Enhancing financial inclusion in Nigeria: the role of Islamic finance. International Journal of Research on Technology, Engineering, Science, and Humanities (IJRTESH), 1 (1) pp. 1-10
2020 Governance structure of microfinance institutions: a comparison of models and its implication on social impact and poverty reduction. İbn Haldun Çalışmaları Dergisi, 5 (1) pp. 95-118
2020 Influence of economic freedom and its subcomponents on risk-taking behavior Evidence from dual banking system of Malaysia. Review of Behavioral Finance, () pp. 1-22
2020 Intellectual capital in non-profit organisations: lessons learnt for waqf institutions. ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance, 12 (1) pp. 27-48
2020 Islamic social finance and green finance to achieve SDGS through minimizing post harvesting losses in Bangladesh. Journal of Islamic Finance, 9 (2) pp. 119-128
2020 Issues and challenges in financing the poor: lessons learned from Islamic microfinance institutions. European Journal of Islamic Finance, 15 () pp. 1-8
2020 Job satisfaction of female employees in microfinance institutions of Bangladesh. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Research, 3 (1) pp. 1-7
2020 Perceptions of the 7p marketing mix of Islamic banks in Indonesia: what do twitter users say about it?. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 11 (11) pp. 300-319
2020 Prediction accuracy improvement for Bitcoin market prices based on symmetric volatility information using artificial neural network approach. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, () pp.
2020 Role of Islamic Microfinance Institutions for sustainable development goals in Bangladesh. Journal of International Business and Management, 3 (1) pp. 1-12
2020 Shari'ah oriented precious metal backed cryptocurrency: from Shari’ah advisors’ and financial experts’ perceptions. The Singapore Economic Review, () pp.
2020 SMEs Financing Issues in Malaysia: Youth Entrepreneurs Perspective. THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES, 8 (5) pp. 359-366
2020 The contributions of takaful industry towards economic growth, savings and investment in Malaysia. International Journal of Advanced Research in Economics and Finance (IJAREF), 2 (3) pp. 31-38
2020 The effect of zakat programs on the social impact of microfinance institutions in Bangladesh. International Journal of Zakat and Islamic Philanthropy, 2 (1) pp. 165-174
2020 The impact of monetary systems on income inequity and wealth distribution: A case study of cryptocurrencies, fiat money and gold standard. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 15 (6) pp. 1161-1183
2020 Unleashing the ar-Rahnu as a micro-financing instrument for micro-entrepreneurs in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10 (6) pp. 183-196
2020 Waqf forest: how waqf can play a role in forest preservation and SDGs achievement?. Etikonomi: Jurnal Ekonomi, 19 (2 (Forthcoming issue)) pp. 1-18
2019 A critical review of bank stability measures in selected countries with dual banking system. Revista Publicando, 6 (19) pp. 118-131
2019 A literature review of financial contracting theory from the Islamic and conventional overviews: contributions, gaps, and perspectives. Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Islamic Economics, 32 (2) pp. 25-42
2019 Acceptance of shari?ah-compliant precious metal-backed cryptocurrency as an alternative currency: an empirical validation of adoption of innovation theory. Thunderbird International Business Review, 62 (2) pp. 171-181
2019 Adverse selection analysis for profit and loss sharing contracts. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 12 (4) pp. 532-552
2019 Alleviating poverty through Islamic microfinance: factors and measures of financial performance, and roles of Islamic values and financial policies. The Journal of Social Sciences Research, 5 (4) pp. 931-938
2019 Does financial development reduce poverty? Empirical evidence from Indonesia. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 26 (2) pp. 1019-1036
2019 Explaining issues relating to Islamic microfinance sustainability: African perspective. International Journal of Business Society (IJO-BS), 3 (12) pp. 34-40
2019 Exploring green banking performance of Islamic banks vs conventional banks in Bangladesh based on Maqasid Shariah framework. Journal of Islamic Marketing, () pp. 1-16
2019 Financial inclusion, poverty and shared prosperity in sub-Saharan African countries. International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, 04 (12) pp. 7192-7199
2019 How serious are Islamic banks in offering green financing?: an exploratory study on Bangladesh banking sector. International Journal of Green Economics, 13 (2) pp. 120-138
2019 Influencing the mind of the consumers: the role of the law and the regulators in controlling credit advertisement. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28 (8) pp. 297-304
2019 Institutional framework for consumer credit industry in Malaysia: learning from Australia, the United Kingdom and South Africa experiences. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28 (8s (Special issue in Applied Research on Business, Science and Technology)) pp. 289-296
2019 Potential development of SRI sukuk models for higher learning institutions in Malaysia based on Wakalah and Waqf. Journal of Islamic Finance, 8 (Special Issue) pp. 90-106
2019 Principal-agent preferences in imperfect markets: theoretical analysis on Murabahah and Ijarah. Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance, 5 (1) pp. 117-144
2019 Proposing an Integrated Islamic Microfinance Model in Alleviating Poverty and Improving the Performance of Microenterprises in Indonesia. Journal of Accounting Research, Organization and Economics, 2 (2) pp. 135-154
2019 Protecting the pawners: appraising the role of ministry of housing and local government. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28 (8s, (Special issue in Applied Research on Business , Science and Technology)) pp. 305-313
2019 Tackling responsible lending obligation in Malaysia: a diverse approach. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28 (8s, (Special issue in Applied Research on Business , Science and Technology)) pp. 314-321
2019 The impact of cryptocurrencies market development on banks’ deposits variability in the GCC region. Journal of Financial Economic Policy, 11 (4) pp. 1-24
2019 Viability of Crowd funding as an Alternative Funding Mechanism for Youth Entrepreneurs. International Journal Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9 (12) pp. 374-383
2018 A conceptual framework for Islamic institutional and retail investment in maritime assets. International Business Research, 11 (2) pp. 176-188
2018 Analysing ar-rahnu in the context of informal credit market theory: evidence from women micro-entrepreneurs in Malaysia. ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance, 10 (2) pp. 237-250
2018 Awareness and knowledge of takaful in Malaysia: a survey of Malaysian consumers. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 9 (11) pp. 45-53
2018 Comparative analysis of bank stability in Indonesia: A non-parametric approach on different banking models. Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance, 3 (2) pp. 201-219
2018 Complaint management and redress mechanism: the effect of fragmented institutional approach in regulating consumer credit in Malaysia. International Journal of Administration and Governance, 4 (1) pp. 6-11
2018 Debt taking and charity-giving among low-income households: strengthening resilience in Islamic perspective. Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance, 4 (1) pp. 1-22
2018 Dynamics of financial development, economic growth and poverty alleviation: the Indonesian experience. South East European Journal of Economics and Business, 13 (1) pp. 17-30
2018 Examining the innovative minds of Takaful consumers: the case of Malaysia. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 9 (12) pp. 2652-2655
2018 Financial prudence through financial education: A conceptual framework for financial inclusion. Journal of King Abdulaziz University, Islamic Economics, 31 (1) pp. 151-166
2018 Good Governance and Sustainability in Islamic Microfinance Institutions. Journal of Islamic Finance, 7 (2) pp. 21-28
2018 Handling default risks in microfinance: the case of Bangladesh. Qualitative Research in Financial Markets, 10 (4) pp. 363-380
2018 Identification of macroeconomic determinants for diversification and investment strategy for Islamic unit trust funds in Malaysia. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 13 (4) pp. 653-675
2018 Institutional and macroeconomic determinants of financial development in the OIC countries. Global Business and Economics Review, 20 (4) pp. 410-424
2018 Is the ‎Islamic unit trust market efficient empirical evidence from ‎Malaysia‎. Journal of Private Equity, 21 (3 (Summer)) pp. 53-68
2018 Projection pricing for musyarakah mutanaqisah home financing with the use of rental yield as the reference benchmark pricing. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (3.35) pp. 289-292
2018 Rental yield as alternative to interest rate in pricing musyarakah mutanaqisah home financing - the case for Malaysia.. Al-Shajarah, Special Issue, Islamic Banking & Finance, (2018) () pp. 69-88
2017 A preliminary analysis on the impact of flood and the awareness of the flood victims Towards takaful protection: A study of East-coast Malaysia’s flood victims. Journal of Islamic, Social, Economics and Development, 2 (6) pp. 29-45
2017 An assessment of Islamic financial institution and investor exposure to maritime assets. International Journal of Economic Perspectives, 11 (4) pp.
2017 An investment appraisal of international maritime assets for Malaysian Islamic financial institutions - the case for equity finance. Al-Shajarah, Special Issue: Islamic Banking and Finance () pp. 27-59
2017 An Islamic wealth management investment appraisal of oil tankers. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 7 (5) pp. 59-70
2017 An overview of e-payment adoption among muslim micro-entrepreneurs in Malaysia. International Journal of Accounting, Finance and Business, 2 (5) pp. 49-59
2017 Ar-rahnu as a source of financial sustainability for women micro-entrepreneurs in Malaysia. Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Management, 2 (2) pp. 221-250
2017 Are shariah-compliant structured products able to withstand global financial shocks? A new perspective on the performance of shariah-compliant structured investment-linked plans in Malaysia. Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development, 38 (1) pp. 161-182
2017 Corporate governance and financial performance: Empirical evidence from public listed construction companies in Malaysia. International Journal of Applied Management Science, 9 (4) pp. 313-334
2017 Developing a comprehensive performance measurement system for waqf institutions. International Journal of Social Economics, 44 (7) pp. 921-936
2017 Developing an Islamic investment framework for maritime assets. The Social Sciences, 12 (10) pp. 1865-1876
2017 Economic forces and Islamic stock market: Empirical evidences from Malaysia. Asian Journal of Business and Accounting, 10 (1) pp. 45-85
2017 Factors influencing acceptance of Ar-Rahnu: Comparison between private and state Ar-Rahnu providers in Terengganu. Middle East Journal of Management, 4 (1) pp. 39-64
2017 Further evidence on the stability of Islamic versus conventional banks in selected GCC countries from 1999 to 2015. Journal of Islamic Finance, 6 (Special Issue) pp. 035-045
2017 House price index as an alternative pricing benchmark for Islamic home financing: evidence of Malaysia. European Journal of Islamic Finance, 6 () pp. 1-7
2017 Impact of inclusion into and exclusion from the Shariah index on a stock price and Trading Volume: Event study approach. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 7 (2) pp. 40-51
2017 Issues and challenges in management of waqf in Ningxia Province of China. Journal of Islamic Finance, 6 (2) pp. 24-37
2017 Modeling the performance of bulk-carriers for Islamic equity investors. Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance, 13 (4) pp. 91-118
2017 Perceived fairness in Islamic home financing: Comparison between Al-Bay’bithaman Ajil and Musharakah Mutanaqisah partnership contracts. Planning Malaysia : Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 15 (4) pp. 35-44
2017 Pricing practices of Ar-Rahnu providers in Malaysia. Middle East Journal of Management, 4 (1) pp. 84-96
2017 Pushing the frontiers of Islamic finance through socially responsible investment sukuk. Al-Shajarah, Special Issue: Islamic Banking and Finance () pp. 187-215
2017 Socio-demographic and economic factors affecting regular charity-giving: A case of low-income households in Indonesia. International Journal of Zakat, 2 (1) pp. 21-29
2017 Sovereign sukuk pricing analysis: do macroeconomic variables matter?. International Journal of Economics, Management and Accounting, 25 (3) pp. 513-528
2017 The influence of financial education on consecutive debt-taking behaviour of low-income households in Indonesia. Journal of Islamic Finance, 6 (Special Issue) pp. 114-132
2017 What does the relationship among unit trust funds indicate about optimal portfolio investment diversification strategy? Case of the Malaysian Islamic unit trust funds industry. Journal of Wealth Management, 20 (3) pp. 113-128
2017 What drives house price in Malaysia? In search of an alternative pricing benchmark for Islamic home financing. Planning Malaysia: Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 15 (4) pp. 21-34
2016 A conceptual framework for the application of Islamic private equity in international shipping. Al-Shajarah, Special Issue (Islamic Banking & Finance) pp. 115-137
2016 Contract agreement model for murabahah financing in Indonesia Islamic banking. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance, 9 (2) pp. 190-204
2016 Do conventional and Islamic stock markets subject to different market anomalies? Empirical evidences from Indonesia and Malaysia. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, Volume XI (5(43)) pp. 45-57
2016 Do marketing strategies have significant influence on usage of credit cards? empirical evidence from Malaysia. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 24 (S) (November) pp. 179-192
2016 Does microfinance model determine the effectiveness of microfinance intervention in enhancing microenterprise performance? Evidence from Bank Rakyat Indonesia. SHARE Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam ( SJIEF ), 5 (1) pp. 21-45
2016 Effectiveness of zakat-based programs on poverty alleviation and economic empowerment of poor women: A case study of Bangladesh. Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance, 1 (2) pp. 229-257
2016 Green financing and bank profitability: empirical evidence from the banking sector in Bangladesh. Al-Shajarah, 21 (3 ( Special Issue )) pp. 307-330
2016 Improving financial education to the poor at the bottom-of pyramid: The role of social finance vis a vis financial institutions. International Journal of Islamic Business Ethics, 1 (1) pp. 44-52
2016 Islamic finance and economic growth: the Malaysian experience. Global Finance Journal, 30 () pp. 1-12
2016 Issues and challenges in financing the poor: case of Baitul Maal Wa Tamwil in Indonesia. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 34 (2) pp. 216-234
2016 Regular charity giving behaviour among low-income households in Indonesia. Intellectual Discourse, 24 (1) pp. 133-156
2016 Role of Ar-Rahnu as micro-credit instrument in achieving financial self-sufficiency among women micro-entrepreneurs. Intellectual Discourse, (special Issue) pp. 365-385
2016 Sectoral impact of bank credit in Malaysia: ARDL modelling approach. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 24 (S) pp. 205-211
2016 Shariah compliance of green banking policy in Bangladesh. Humanomics, 32 (4) pp. 390-404
2016 Unique aspects of Islamic microfinance financing process: experience of Baitul Maal Wa Tamwil in Indonesia. Humanomics, 32 (3) pp. 230-247
2016 Unique aspects of the Islamic microfinance financing process experience of Baitul Maal Wa Tamwil in Indonesia. Humanomics, 32 (3) pp. 230-247
2015 A comparative study on the feasibility of introducing a law to regulate retail tenancies in peninsular Malaysia. Jurnal Teknologi, 72 (1) pp. 1-9
2015 Assessing the contribution of Islamic finance to economic growth: empirical evidence from Malaysia. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research , 6 (2) pp. 292-310
2015 Behaviour of Islamic stock market in a prolonged down global market: empirical evidence from Malaysia. Journal of Islamic Finance, 4 (2) pp. 67-76
2015 Efficiency of Islamic and conventional banks in Bangladesh: comparative study using DEA approach. Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance, 11 (3) pp. 83-110
2015 Examining the relationship between war and interest-based transactions: the case of the Ottoman empire. Humanomics, 31 (4) pp. 454-466
2015 Exploring application of equity-based financing through musharakah mutanaqisah in Islamic Banks in Malaysia: perspective from the industry players. International Journal of Economics, Management and Accounting, 23 (2) pp. 241-261
2015 Islamic cooperative: an alternative to commercial Islamic banking. Al-Shajarah: Journal of the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), (SpeciaI Issue) pp. 273-292
2015 Islamic marketing at the bottom of the pyramid: factors affecting customer’s satisfaction among the poor in Islamic pawnshop in Indonesia . International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 15 (3) pp. 331-348
2015 Key factors influencing women micro-entrepreneurs to use Ar-Rahnu: evidence from Siti Khadijah’s Market, Kelantan. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 9 (28) pp. 105-110
2015 Modelling the conditional variance and asymmetric response to past shocks in the Malaysian bond market. Asian Journal of Business and Accounting, 8 (1) pp. 1-37
2015 Monetary transmission during low interest rate environment in a dual banking system: evidence from Malaysia. Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies, () pp. 1-11
2014 Assessing the impact of Islamic microfinance on poverty alleviation in Northern Nigeria. Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance, 10 (4) pp. 37-49
2014 Claiming damages for late delivery of vacant possession of private houses in Malaysia: legal issues and challenges. International Review of Management and Business Research, 3 (2) pp. 907-914
2014 Monetary policy transmission through the bank financing channel: an analysis of bank heterogeneity in the context of dual banking system in Malaysia. Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development, 35 (2) pp. 121-136
2014 Monetary policy transmission through the bank-financing channel in Malaysia: Evidence from bank-level data. Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development, 35 (2) pp. 121-136
2014 Risk management practices of selected Islamic banks in Malaysia. Aceh International Journal of Social Sciences, 3 (1) pp. 26-36
2014 Understanding investor behavior from the variation of sukuk spreads. Islamic Finance News, 11 (2) pp. 19-20
2014 Understanding investors' behavior from the variation of sukuk spreads. Islamic Finance News, 14 (2) pp. 19-20
2013 An application of GARCH modeling on the Malaysian sukuk spreads. Journal of Islamic Finance, 2 (2) pp. 26-37
2013 Factors influence switching behavior of Islamic bank customers in Malaysia . Journal of Islamic Finance, 2 (1) pp. 12-19
2013 Involvement of corporate entities in Waqaf management: experiences of Malaysia and Singapore. Asian Economic and Financial Review, 3 (6) pp. 736-748
2012 Co-movement of output and price in Malaysia: Empirical evidence and macroeconomic policy implications. Terengganu International Finance and Economics Journal, 2 (2) pp. 63-74
2012 Customer satisfaction and switching behavior in Islamic banking: evidence from Indonesia. School of Doctoral Studies (European Union) Journal, (4) pp. 209-215
2012 Responses to Interest Rate Changes: A Comparison between Domestic and Foreign Commercial Banks in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies , 49 (1) pp. 21-35
2012 Time varying integration among asean-5 economies. Aceh International Journal of Social Sciences, 1 (1) pp. 16-23
2011 Determining the viability of rental price to benchmark Islamic home financing products evidence from Malaysia. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 18 (1) pp. 69-85
2011 Long memory properties and asymmetric effects of emerging equity market: evidence from Malaysia. The Journal of Risk Finance, 12 (5) pp. 356-370
2011 The 2007 global financial crisis and the Malaysian stock market: a sectoral analysis. Afro-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting, 2 (3) pp. 185-209
2010 A comparative analysis of the performance of conventional and Islamic unit trust companies in Malaysia. International Journal of Managerial Finance, 6 (1) pp. 24-47
2010 An analysis of Islamic banks' exposure to rate of return risk. Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development, 31 (1) pp. 59-84
2010 Impact of financial shocks on Islamic banks: Malaysian evidence during 1997 and 2007 financial crises . International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 3 (4) pp. 291-305
2010 Potential diversification benefits across global Islamic equity markets. Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development, 31 (4) pp. 103-126
2010 Roles of the Islamic banks in the monetary transmission process in Malaysia . International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 3 (1) pp. 7-19
2009 Empirical determinants of saving in the Islamic banks: evidence from Indonesia. The Journal of King Abdulaziz University(JKAU): Islamic Economics, 22 (2) pp. 181-201
2009 Foreign portfolio investment and economic growth . Pakistan Development Review, 48 (2) pp. 109-124
2009 Foreign portfolio investment and economic growth in Malaysia . The Pakistan Development Review, 48 (2) pp.
2009 Herd behavior in Malaysian capital market: An empirical Analysis. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, 4 (1) pp. 45-57
2009 Impact of monetary policy shocks on the conventional and Islamic banks in a dual banking system: evidence from Malaysia. Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development, 30 (1) pp. 41-58
2009 Impact of the 2007 US financial crisis on the emerging equity markets. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 4 (4) pp. 341-357
2009 Islamic finance: a growing industry the proliferation of interest-free finance. Islam Online, () pp.
2009 Sensitivity of the Islamic and conventional banks to monetary policy changes: the case of Malaysia . International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance, 2 (3) pp. 239-253
2009 The role of bank loans and deposits in the monetary transmission mechanism in Malaysia . The International Journal of Banking and Finance, 6 (2) pp. 39-57
2008 Foreign portfolio investment inflows and economic performance in Malaysia: a disaggregated analysis. Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, 10 (3) pp. 313-330
2008 Output-price dynamics in the asean-5 countries: evidence from the pre- and post-1997 financial turmoil. Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, 10 (2) pp. 261-280
2008 The role of bank lending in the monetary transmission process of a developing economy: the Malaysian evidence. Savings and Development, 32 (3) pp. 301-319
2007 Sources of macroeconomic fluctuations in Malaysia: an empirical test of the Keynesian model. Asia Pacific Journal of Economics and Business, 11 (2) pp. 58-77
Conference or Workshop Item

2024 Importance of financial literacy and awareness in microtakaful: implications for industry stakeholders. In: 3rd International Conference On Islamic Economics 2024 (ICONIE 2024),
2023 Application of blockchain technology in the management of waqf institutions: concepts, challenges and recommendations. In: IEEE International Conference on Computing (ICOCO 2023),
2023 Factors affecting financial literacy among micro small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in Bangladesh and Malaysia. In: 8th International Student Symposium,
2023 First stage evaluation of ISSuFiRs: Partners’ Financial Report Monitoring System by Islamic Financial Cooperatives (BMT) in Indonesia. In: International Conference on Environment and Smart Society,
2022 An analysis of the impact of Islamic microfinance among Asnaf. In: 10th ASEAN International Conference on Islamic Finance (10th AICIF 2022),
2022 Feasibility of Central Bank digital currency for blockchain-based zakat in Indonesia. In: The International Conference on Business and Technology (ICBT 2021),
2022 Improving microtakaful offering through stakeholders’ collaboration: critical analysis using systematic literature review. In: 10th ASEAN International Conference on Islamic Finance (10th AICIF 2022),
2022 Islamic equity financing as a financial inclusion enabler: Nigeria in spectrum. In: 10th ASEAN International Conference on Islamic Finance 2022 (AICIF-10): The Role of Islamic Banking and Islamic Social Finance for Economic Sustainability,
2022 Potential of Islamic microfinance: issues, challenges and way forward. In: 10th ASEAN International Conference on Islamic Finance (10th AICIF 2022),
2021 Did fintech increase financial inclusion in Africa ?. In: International Conference on Computing and Technological Solutions with Artificial Intelligence [ICCTSAI 2021 Webinar],
2021 Did Fintech increase Financial Inclusion in Africa ?. In: International conference on computing and Technological Solution with Artificial Intellegence,
2021 Shari’ah-complaint Hotel: operational scenarios, Shari’ah parameters and opportunities for the contemporary hospitality industry. In: International Conference on Islamic Financial Literacy,
2021 The governance of proposed model of temporal cash waqf account: a maqasid approach. In: 9th Global Waqf Conference 2021,
2021 The impact of using Islamic microfinance products on the Mauritanian’ healthcare: evidence from Nouakchott. In: The 4th World Islamic Economics and Finance Conference (WIEFC 2021),
2020 An innovative sukuk-waqf for Islamic microfinance institutions: integrating maqasid al-shariah, SDGs and waqf. In: 8th ASEAN Universities International Conference on Islamic Finance (8th AICIF) 2020,
2020 Developing Islamic green stock index in Indonesia: issues and prospects. In: 8th ASEAN Universities International Conference on Islamic Finance (8th AICIF) 2020,
2020 Factors affecting willingness in using Islamic microfinance products in Mauritania. In: The International Conference on Business and Technology (ICBT 2020),
2020 Factors influencing the adoption of Islamic banking product: a review of literature. In: The International Conference on Business and Technology (ICBT 2020),
2020 Green microfinance promoting sustainable development goals (SDGS) in Bangladesh. In: International Conference On Islamic Social Finance: Pandemic Crisis And Possible Solutions (ISFPCPS 2020),
2020 How important is literacy in enhancing cash waqf participation? Experience of Brunei Darussalam. In: 8th ASEAN Universities International Conference on Islamic Finance (8th AICIF) 2020,
2020 Impact of using Islamic microfinance products on Mauritanian’ income: evidence from PROCAPEC- Nouakchott. In: International Conference on Islamic Social Finance: Pandemic Crisis and Possible Solutions (ISFPCPS 2020),
2020 Realising the MSME Islamic financial inclusion in Indonesia: an institutional theory perspective. In: 8th ASEAN Universities International Conference on Islamic Finance (8th AICIF) 2020,
2020 Recent topics in Islamic economic, banking and finance. In: International Publication Assistanship for Lecturers,
2020 Role of Covid-19 pandemic on retirement plans among the working population in Malaysia. In: 8th ASEAN Universities International Conference on Islamic Finance (8th AICIF) 2020,
2020 Role of Islamic social finance in increasing financial literacy among women entrepreneurs: a focus on mompreneurs. In: 8th ASEAN Universities International Conference on Islamic Finance (8th AICIF) 2020,
2020 Shariah-compliancy of Islamic P2P lending practices: identification of issues and way forward. In: 8th ASEAN Universities International Conference on Islamic Finance (8th AICIF) 2020,
2020 The role of Islamic crowd-investing for sustainable agriculture in Indonesia. In: 8th ASEAN Universities International Conference on Islamic Finance (8th AICIF) 2020,
2019 A profile analysis of potential investors in iREIT waqf investment products. In: The 2nd International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy (2nd ICIEBP),
2019 A review of economic involvement of Chinese Muslims in Malaysia. In: Second International Conference on the Future of ASEAN (ICoFA 2017),
2019 Does socio-demographic variables matter in explaining issues and challenges in Islamic microfinance? Evidence from Malaysia. In: The 2nd International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy (2nd ICIEBP),
2019 Governance structure of microfinance institutions: A comparison of models and its implication on social impact and poverty reduction. In: 5th International Ibn Khaldun Symposium,
2019 Islamic political economy and sustainable social development policies: an analytical study. In: 7th ASEAN Universities International Conference on Islamic Finance UNIDA Indonesia,
2019 Issues and challenges in financing the poor : Lessons learned from Islamic microfinance institutions. In: 7th ASEAN International Conference on Islamic Finance (7th AICIF),
2019 Job satisfaction of female employees in microfinance institutions of Bangladesh. In: 3rd ASIA International Multidisciplinary Conference (AIMC 2019),
2019 Predicting rental yield for the benchmark pricing of equity home financing. In: The 7th ASEAN Universities International Conference on Islamic Finance (AICIF 2019),
2019 Role of microfinance Institutions for sustainable development goals in Bangladesh. In: IIUM International Conference on Business Management (IICBM 2019),
2019 Significance of Islamic financial literacy among women entrepreneurs from Islamic perspective. In: The 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Innovation 2019 (ICoSI),
2019 Sustainability and outreach of microfinance institutions in Bangladesh: the role of governance. In: International Conference on Financial Markets (ICFM 2019),
2019 The potential of sustainable and responsible investment (SRI) sukuk as a funding mechanism for affordable housing in Malaysia. In: Social Outcomes Conference 2019,
2018 Alternative financing modes for higher learning institutions in Malaysia – Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) Sukuk & Social Impact Bonds (SIB). In: 6th ASEAN Universities International Conference on Islamic Finance (AICIF), Makati, Philippines,
2018 Are the green projects in line with the Maqasid Shariah? an assessment of green firms in Bangladesh. In: 1st Global Conference on Islamic Economics and Finance 2018 (GCIEF 2018),
2018 Complaint management and redress mechanism: the effect of fragmented institutional approach in regulating consumer credit in Malaysia. In: 4th International Conference on Arts, Education and Social Science,
2018 Enforcing consumer protection law in Malaysian consumer credit arena: evaluating the enforcement powers of different regulators. In: The 7th Global Conference on Business and Social Sciences (GCBSS 2018),
2018 Influencing the mind of the consumers: the role of the law and the regulators in controlling credit advertisement. In: The 7th Global Conference on Business and Social Sciences (GCBSS 2018),
2018 Institutional framework for consumer credit industry in Malaysia: learning from Australia, the United Kingdom and South Africa experiences. In: The 7th Global Conference on Business and Social Sciences (GCBSS 2018),
2018 Is takaful industry innovative? Examining the perception of Takaful operators in Malaysia. In: 32nd International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2018,
2018 Islamic microfinance in Malaysia: issues and challenges. In: The Second International Conference on the Future of ASEAN (ICoFA 2017),
2018 Measuring bank stability: a comparative analysis between Islamic and conventional banks in Malaysia. In: 2nd Advances in Business Research International Conference (ABRIC 2016),
2018 Protecting the pawners: appraising the role of Ministry of Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government. In: The 7th Global Conference on Business and Social Sciences (GCBSS 2018),
2017 Adoption of electronic payment system in Islamic microfinance institutions. In: 4th International Conference on E-Commerce (ICoEC) 2017,
2017 Modeling demand for Islamic microfinance using partial least squares approach: evidence from Malaysia. In: 5th ASEAN Universities International Conference on Islamic Finance (5th AICIF),
2017 Projection pricing for musyarakah mutanaqisah home financing with the use of rental yield as the reference benchmark pricing. In: The 5th International Accounting and Business Conference 2017 (IABC 2017),
2017 Protection of financial consumer in consumer credit industry: The role of Central Bank of Malaysia under the Financial Services Act 2013. In: 21st MACFEA (The Malaysian Consumer and Family Economics Association) National Seminar 2017,
2017 Protection of hirer's interest under hire purchase transaction in Malaysia: the roles of ministry of domestic trade, co-operatives and consumerism. In: 21st MACFEA (The Malaysian Consumer and Family Economics Association) National Seminar 2017,
2017 Rental yield as an alternative to interest rate to price musyarakah mutanaqisah home financing in Malaysia. In: International Academic Conference on Business and Economics (IACBE 2017),
2016 A comparative analysis of stability measures between Islamic and conventional banks in selected MENA countries during 1999 to 2015. In: 4 th ASEAN International Conference on Islamic Finance (AICIF 2016),
2016 A comparative study on the feasibility of introducing a law to regulate retail tenancies in Peninsular Malaysia. In: 8th International Real Estate Research Symposium (IRERS) 2016,
2016 A review on special takaful coverage for abandoned houses. In: National Seminar of Abandoned Housing Projects : Causes & Solutions,
2016 Awareness towards a takaful protection among flood victims in the East-Coast Region in Malaysia: a preliminary analysis. In: 4th ASEAN International conference on Islamic Finance (4th AICIF 2016),
2016 House price index as an alternative to interest rates to price Islamic home financing: an empirical investigation. In: 2nd Advances in Business Research International Conference 2016 (ABRIC 2016),
2016 Measuring bank stability: a comparative analysis between Islamic and conventional banks in Malaysia. In: 2nd Advances in Business Research International Conference ABRIC 2016),
2016 The relationship of house price to the housing supply and demand in Malaysia. In: 8th International Real Estate Research Symposium (IRERS) 2016,
2015 Affordable housing vis a vis affordable financing: does it matter?. In: 19th MACFEA National Seminar (MACFEA2015),
2015 Empirical analysis of alternative pricing benchmarks for Islamic home financing product. In: 9th International Conference Journal of Monetary Economics and Banking (Buletin Ekonomi Moneter dan Perbankan BEMP-2015,
2015 Enforcement of housing law in Malaysia: issues and challenges. In: International Conference on “New Directions in Multidisciplinary Research & Practice” (NDMRP -2015),
2015 Financial development, human capital accumulation and economic growth: empirical evidence from the economic community of West African States. In: Global Conference on Business And Social Sciences - GCBSS 2014 ,
2015 House price index as an alternative pricing benchmark for Islamic home financing: evidence of Malaysia. In: 3rd International Conference on Entrepreneurial Finance (CIFEMA' 2015),
2015 Housing development and consumer protection: a study on the issue of late delivery of vacant possession from the consumer perspective. In: The 25th International Business Management Association Conference (IBIMA),
2015 Housing development and consumer protection: a study on the problems of late delivery of vacant possession. In: 11th NAPREC Conference 2015,
2015 Identifying critical factors towards building a viable sadaqa house model in Malaysia. In: Sadaqah House Seminar,
2015 Improving financial education to the poor at the bottom-of-pyramid: the role of social finance vis a vis financial institutions. In: 3rd Asean Islamic Finance Conference (AICIF 2015),
2015 Institutional and macroeconomic determinants of financial development in the OIC countries: a system-GMM approach. In: 3rd International Conference on Entrepreneurial Finance (CIFEMA' 2015),
2014 Banks, stock market and economic growth in developing countries: a re-assessment using panel cointegration approach . In: 13th Eurasia Business Economics Society (EBES) Conference,
2014 Critical Acceptance Factors towards the Ar-Rahnu Scheme in Malaysia. In: Islamic Business Management Conference (IBMC 2014),
2014 Do microfinance interventions improve the performance of Microenterprises in Indonesia? a case study of BRI unit clients in Medan City, Indonesia. In: The 4th Annual International Conference Syiah Kuala University (AIC-Unsyiah) 2014 in conjunction with The 9th Annual International Workshop and Expo on Sumatra Tsunami Disaster And Recovery (AIWEST-DR),
2014 Financial deepening and poverty reduction: causality linkage in the case of Malaysia. In: Terengganu International Business and Economics Conference 2014 (TIBEC IV),
2014 Financial development, human capital accumulation and economic growth: empirical evidence from the economic community of West African states. In: Global Conference on Business and Social Science (GBSS 2014),
2014 Housing development and consumer protection: a study on the issue of late delivery of vacant possession from the consumer perspective. In: 7th International Real Estate Research (IRERS) IBIMA Conference 2014 indexed at ISI,
2014 Protecting house buyers against late delivery of vacant possession: a case of Malaysia. In: AsRES 19th International Conference 2014,
2013 Claiming damages for late delivery of vacant possession: an overview of legal issues and challenges. In: Asia Pacific Network for Housing Research Conference (APNHR 2013),
2013 Exploring the need to shift from debt-based to equity-based financing in Islamic banks: the case of Malaysia . In: International Conference on Islamic Finance Muamalat and Financial Criminology (IFMFC),
2013 Low interest rate regime and the transmission of monetary policy through the lending channel in Malaysia: evidence from bank-level data. In: 2nd Applied International Business Conference 2013 (AIBC 2013),
2012 Factors influence switching behavior of Islamic bank customers : does syariah issue matter?. In: Islamic Banking, Accounting and Finance Conference 2012,
2011 Dynamics of inflation determinants under dual monetary system: empirical evidence from Malaysia. In: 2nd World Conference on Riba: The Riba Conundrum: Impartial Outlook from Accounting and Religious Perspectives,
2011 Malaysian science and technology indicators. In: IIUM Research, Invention and Innovation Exhibition (IRIIE) 2011,
2011 Risk Management Practices and Financial performance of Islamic Banks: Malaysian Evidence . In: 8th International Conference on Islamic Economics and Finance,
2010 Viability of Islamic credit card as an alternative to conventional credit card. In: 14th MACFEA National Seminar: Halatuju Penyelidikan Kepenggunaan: Isu dan Cabaran,
2009 Herd behavior in Malaysian capital market. In: The International Conference on Islamic Economics and Economies of the OIC Countries 2009 (ICIE2009) ,

2021 Handbook of research on Islamic social finance and economic recovery after a global health crisis. IGI Global, ISBN: 9781799868118
2020 Islamic financial system theory and practice. IIUM Press, ISBN: 978-967-491-036-5
2018 The role of corporate and public entities in managing waqf institutions in Muslim countries. The International Institute of Islamic Thought (East and South East Asia), ISBN: 978-967-2190-08-0
2014 The 4th Annual International Conference Syiah Kuala University (AIC-Unsyiah) 2014 in conjunction with The 9th Annual International Workshop and Expo on Sumatra Tsunami Disaster And Recovery (AIWEST-DR), proceedings: Social Science. Syiah Kuala University, ISBN: ISSN: 2089-208X
Book Section

2023 Addressing negative spillover effects of overcrowding in Malaysian prisons: can Islamic financial institutions play a role?. In: Springer, ISBN: 978-3-031-27859-4, pp. 323-333
2023 An analysis of the impact of Islamic microfinance among asnaf. In: Springer, ISBN: 978-3-031-27859-4, pp. 177-183
2023 Developing conceptual framework for public–private partnership projects via mobilization of Islamic finance in Indonesia. In: Springer Nature, ISBN: , pp. 57-81
2023 Enhancing access to finance amongst asnaf micro entrepreneurs: how can Islamic FinTech in zakat institutions play a role?. In: Springer, ISBN: 978-3-031-27859-4, pp. 345-357
2023 Improving microtakaful offering through stakeholders’ collaboration: critical analysis using systematic literature review. In: Springer, ISBN: 978-3-031-27859-4, pp. 219-230
2023 Islamic equity financing as a financial inclusion enabler: Nigeria in spectrum. In: Springer, ISBN: 978-3-031-27859-4, pp. 135-143
2023 Potential of Islamic microfinance: issues, challenges, and way forward. In: Springer, ISBN: 978-3-031-27859-4, pp. 157-166
2023 Role of Islamic microfinance in enhancing financial inclusion in Bangladesh: a systematic literature review. In: Springer Nature, ISBN: 978-3-031-27859-4, pp. 105-116
2023 Roles of Islamic financial literacy on financial decision-making: building a conceptual framework based on the theory of planned behavior and social cognitive theory. In: Springer Nature, ISBN: 978-3-031-27859-4, pp. 255-266
2023 Structure analysis of Islamic microfinancing, social capital and ICT usage towards on women micro-entrepreneurs’ performance in Malaysia. In: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, ISBN: , pp. 163-181
2021 Disrupting Islamic international trade finance using blockchain technology. In: Routledge, ISBN: , pp. 222-237
2021 Factors affecting willingness in using Islamic microfinance products in Mauritania. In: Springer International Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-030-69220-9, pp. 1660-1671
2021 Factors influencing the adoption of Islamic banking product: a review of literature. In: Springer International Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-030-69220-9, pp. 1717-1733
2021 Impact of financial inclusion on poverty through Islamic microfinance in Mauritania. In: IGI Global, ISBN: 9781799868118, pp.
2021 The role of zakat during pandemic crisis and post recovery (maqāsid al-sharīʽah perspective). In: IGI Global, ISBN: 9781799868118, pp. 1-18
2021 The role of zakat during pandemic crisis and post recovery (maqāsid al-sharīʽah perspective). In: IGI Global, ISBN: 9781799868118, pp. 1-18
2020 Potentials of Islamic cooperative in empowering the economy of Chinese Muslims in Malaysia. In: Pustaka Yamien Sdn. Bhd., ISBN: 9789672201397, pp. 95-112
2019 A review of economic involvement of Chinese Muslims in Malaysia. In: Springer, ISBN: 978-981-10-8729-5, pp. 315-324
2019 A review of economic involvement of Chinese Muslims in Malaysia. In: Springer, ISBN: 978-981-10-8729-5, pp. 315-324
2019 Making the right investment choice? comparing the performance between Islamic and conventional equity unit trust funds in Malaysia. In: IIUM Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance (IIiBF), ISBN: 978-983-44568-4-9, pp. 07-117
2019 Resource mobilisation and Islamic charity-giving in Indonesia: evidence from low-income households. In: Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN: 978-3-030-05224-9, pp. 193-221
2019 Resource mobilisation and Islamic charity-giving in Indonesia: evidence from low-income households. In: Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN: 978-3-030-05224-9, pp. 193-221
2019 The potential of sharī'ah-compliant equity crowdfunding as a source of fund for new entrepreneurs in Malaysia. In: IIiBF, International Islamic University of Malaysia, ISBN: 978-983-44568-4-9, pp. 179-196
2018 Alternative models of waqf-based takaful products for flood victims in Malaysia: an assessment from practitioners’ perspectives. In: IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 978-967-491-008-2, pp. 245-270
2018 An analysis of house price index as the alternative pricing benchmark for Islamic home financing. In: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd, ISBN: 978-981-10-6053-3, pp. 197-208
2018 An analysis of house price index as the alternative pricing benchmark for Islamic home financing. In: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd, ISBN: 978-981-10-6053-3, pp. 197-208
2018 Best practices of waqf: experiences of Malaysia and Saudi Arabia. In: IIUM Press, & Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI), ISBN: 978-967-418-398-1, pp. 68-98
2018 Economic empowerment of the Chinese Muslim community in Malaysia: challenges, opportunities and prospects. In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789674910082, pp. 1-21
2017 Exploring potentials of iREITs as an instrument to develop waqf assets. In: IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 978-967-491-008-2, pp. 298-317
2016 Issues and challenges in enhancing the efficiency of Waqf institutions: the case of selected Waqf institutions in Malaysia. In: Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) and Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI) @Islamic Development Bank, ISBN: 978-983-44368-1-8, pp. 542-558
2016 Sukuk market development and behaviour in times of crisis. In: Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) and Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI) @Islamic Development Bank, ISBN: 978-983-44368-1-8, pp. 421-453
2011 An analysis of the credit risk practices of islamic banks operating in Pakistan. In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789670225463, pp. 31-43
2009 Impacts of monetary policy shocks on the domestic and foreign banks in Malaysia. In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789833855780, pp. 289-304

2018 Alternative financing modes for higher learning institutions in Malaysia: socially responsible investment Ṣukūk, social impact bonds, and public-private partnerships. In: ISRA,
2018 Developing a sustainable model of a waqf-based takaful model for flood victims in Malaysia. In: ,
2018 Profile of final report FRGS/RAGS/ERGS/PRGS. In: ,
2016 A study on the need for a comprehensive Law on landlord and tenant (retail tenancy) in peninsular Malaysia.. In: INPEN (NAPREC Grant),
2012 Assessing key success factors of the Islamic banks in Malaysia: risk management perspective. In: s.n,
2012 Identification and implication of the Islamic banks exposure to market risks:evidence from Malaysia . In: s.n,
2009 Foreign portfolio investment and economic growth : an asymmetric cointegration approach. . In: International Islamic University,
2009 Modeling an Alternative Benchmarking for Home Financing: A Comparative Analysis between Malaysia and the United Kingdom. In: [s.n.],